Lack of Motivation is not the problem
I’m just not motivated, I know what to do I just need motivation to do it. I am lazy and lack motivation.
I can’t be like you I am not that motivated. How do you stay so motivated?
These are literally direct quotes I hear all the time. So what is motivation anyway??
Sitting and waiting to get motivated is like sitting and waiting to hit the lottery.
MOTIVATION is a feeling, it is fleeting, it needs constant replenishment like a hydrangea plant in the hot sun. (seemingly impossible to keep up with)
Here is the deal I am NOT motivated MOST of the time. Nobody is, if you are a living breathing human being it is impossible to be motivated all the time and if anyone tells you they are they are not being truthful.
What sparked you last year or yesterday may not spark you today or 5 years from now. That’s just the truth. We are humans and we are constantly evolving and changing, what was important or drove you in high school I hope is not important to you 20 years later.
So how to stay consistent in health goals? How to keep on training, eating well, sleeping well and keep it going for longer than 1 week or 1 month?
Ask yourself a few questions:
Why is this something you want? BE SPECIFIC you have to say more than you want to feel better cuz we all want that and I challenge you to think outside the box of a number on the scale. What role does health play in your life? How do you value it?
What is sustainable for you? if you say i’m going to workout 7 days a week that’s not sustainable unless you are training to be a professional athlete and you are going to burn out real quick if you don’t get injured
Are you doing something that you actually enjoy? What is the feeling you are chasing? After a workout or a healthy meal do you feel exhausted or energized?
Have you set the bar too high for yourself in the past? For example 2x a day workouts everyday or no sugar for 30 days… again not sustainable and not teaching you anything useful you can apply to future patterns
Have you ever made a workout schedule before? Like a real workout schedule that you followed, maybe you wrote down your sets and reps so you can see your progression and LEARN
Answer these questions truthfully and you will find some answers that will give you more than motivation, they will give you the discipline to stay in a routine.
Instead of approaching your health goals as a chore or its just not working for you….maybe you have never approached it with the right MINDSET
As we approach the month of June in my area of Michigan, gyms are still not operating until at least the middle of the month (possibly) as of now I do not know so I am continuing to offer all the support I can with
If and when Fitness You Can Live With can open up to the public you will be the first to know and rest assured I will be taking all precautions necessary to provide optimal and safe training conditions.
Stay healthy
Stay in touch!