Spring cleaning….

I have not done a blog post since Dec 2020…whoa! Truthfully I have not had anything remarkable to write about but I do post daily on the Fitness You Can Live With instagram page so if you want to see what I am up to daily with workouts, nutrition tips, client highlights, mindset motivation and gym updates head over there and give me a follow.

As far as personal training and health coaching go I am 100% operational for in-person training, virtual training sessions as well as online custom programming and in person health coaching. Whatever it is your looking for to either get started with building strength or picking up after a hiatus, I am here to help you make it work for you and your life and of course meet you where you are at because lets be honest 2020 did a number on all of us mentally and perhaps got us into some not great habits….but that is ok because you can always get “unstuck” and create new sustainable habits you can feel great about. Check out the services page on my website for more details or simply reach out anytime and I will be sure to get right back to you.

We have spent the winter working hard in the gym on a few updates I thought I would share, when we moved into our home the basement was an empty slate with high ceilings which is exactly what we wanted because we knew we wanted to make it a custom Fitness You Can Live With training space while also having storage etc. FYCLW is my business but I am also very much a gym equipment nerd and that will never end, this is a space I want everyone to enjoy, have fun, be you, get strong, try new things, feel good about fitness.

We still have things on our to do list but here are a few updates of what has been done so far


A new wall was put up to create a more defined gym space and additional shelving and bench were added…all custom by Dennis… none of this is possible without him!


As the summer is approaching I will be doing a lot of outdoor training sessions of course because its always nice to get into the fresh air and sun!

Drop me a comment below or reach out to me on social media, I am always putting out real transparent content with all things in the health and fitness world that you can apply to your own health journey


Garage gym competition athlete spotlight


Find unity and hope in 2020